The Heat Pump Wave: Opportunities and Challenges

Decarbonisation of heating is a key priority of the EU's climate agenda, given that the building sector is responsible for 36% of total greenhouse gas emissions. Heat pumps play a central role in enabling the transition towards a climate-neutral …

Flexibility requirements and the role of storage in future European power systems

The transition to a climate neutral energy system relies on an increasing share of renewable energy sources in European electricity grids. As the production of renewable energy sources is inherently variable, flexibility requirements to balance …

Extreme and long-term drought in the La Plata Basin: event evolution and impact assessment until September 2022

The current drought conditions across the Parana-La Plata Basin (LPB) in Brazil-Argentina have been the worst since 1944. While this area is characterized by a rainy season with a peak from October to April, the hydrological year 2020-2021 was very …

Drought in Europe July 2022

The severe drought affecting several regions of Europe since the beginning of the year continues expanding and worsening. Dry conditions are related to a wide and persistent lack of precipitation combined with early heat waves in May and June. The …

Drought in northern Italy - March 2022: GDO analytical report

A severe drought has been affecting northern Italy and the Po River basin in particular. Dry conditions are related to a persistent lack of precipitation since December 2021.The severe precipitation deficit is already affecting water resources. Water …

Blending hydrogen from electrolysis into the European gas grid

In 2020, the European Commission launched a hydrogen strategy for a climate-neutral Europe, setting out the conditions and actions for mainstreaming clean hydrogen, along with targets for installing renewable hydrogen electrolysers by 2024 and 2030. …

Simulating the electricity price hike in 2021

In 2021, an unprecedented increase in gas spot prices and wholesale electricity prices took place in Europe. Gas spot prices reached a record high day-ahead value of 116.1 EUR/MWh in October 2021. Similarly, the electricity day-ahead prices reached …

The impact of PCI projects on the current and future European power & gas systems

The present study documents the methodology and results of modelling in order to quantify the benefits of electricity and gas related Projects of Common Interest (PCIs) for the European Power and Gas systems. The quantitative scenario analysis was …

Wind and other CO2-free assets replacing coal in 2030

The report explores the potential of new wind capacity to fill the vacuum created by the coal fleet

Analysis of the water-power nexus in the Southern African Power Pool

This technical report provides the results of the model-based analyses carried out for the Southern Africa Power Pool (SAPP)