
Fit for 55 MIX scenario 2030 (JRC-FF55-MIX-2030) - input data for METIS context

All the input data for the METIS power system model to simulate the MIX scenario for the year 2030 based on PRIMES data.


weekly hydropower inflow of pure storage plants and the daily run-of-river generation for 27 European countries.

Datasets for the report 'Power system flexibility in a variable climate'

Input and output power system model data for 34 European countries.

JRC Hydro-power plants database

European hydro-power plants database


JRC Open Power Plants Database

Dataset for Western Africa Power Pool (WAPP)

Dataset for the power system modelling of the West African Power Pool (WAPP)


ERA-NUTS: time-series based on C3S ERA5 for European regions